Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Books, Banquets, and good old SUMMER VACATION!!

Greetings all! So.... here are some things that may have happened...

About a week ago, my dear best friend Batman got the 5th Skulduggery Pleasant book, and being the amazing soul that she is, she let me borrow it.  IT IS AMAZING!! I'm not going to give anything away, for those of you who may want to read these books in the future. (For those of you who weren't planning on it, I highly suggest this series, due to the fact that it is my all time favorite book series. EVER.)  So yes. It was amazing, and if you want to know a good book, please read this one. And... moving on.

So it was on Friday (the 27 of May) when I got this book.  On this day, I also got to go dress shopping. For those of you who didn't know, shopping is not one of my favorite pass times. So I decided to go shopping with Batman, because I had not seen this amazing woman in ages. I also called my dear Superman, but she didn't answer.  Batman and I ended up going to the good old D.I. because this is where you can find some kind of amazing things for super cheap. We ended up getting this really pretty blue dress, and a black shawl to go with it.  While we were shopping, Superman called, and so when we finished with the shopping, we went over to her house.  This was rather enjoyable, due to the fact that I stole her phone, and started texting one of her man friends that I had never actually met.  I think he was probably getting very frustrated with me, because I kept on making things difficult, and dragging the conversation around in circles.  It was most fun.

Anyway, the whole reason that I needed to go dress shopping was for the DRAMA BANQUET.  This is a magical thing that the drama department at my high school puts on every year.  We go to the sky room at a nearby university, and eat and do... drama kid things.  We did little skits, and we got awards and things, but the real highlight of the evening was after the actual program was done.  It was our chance to say goodbye to the seniors.  My Mama is a senior, and so me, her, and MANdy had a group hug in which we all balled. It was the first time I had ever seen MANdy cry.  It was good, though, because I know she is going to have a good life.

And now... It is summer vacation. This is SO GOOD!! I love summer. Though, it's only the second official day of vacation and I'm already bored. This summer will be GREAT.... yes. THE END.