Monday, 23 May 2011

On the Subject of Blogs...

Well, Hiya kids.  As you can see... I have a blog now... yes.
Today, life actually sucked, due to the fact that a massive project was due in English, and I (being me) totally spaced doing it.  Also, in math we didn't even do anything... we just sat there and reviewed, and it was rather boring. 

In other news,  I think I'm going to do what my dear friend tried, and come up with the top 100 wishes that I would wish for... yes.
1.  An endless supply of chocolate
2.  The perfect man whom I utterly adore to notice the fact that I actually exist
3.  Never having to mow the lawn again
4.  Moving to Ireland
5.  Having a TARDIS
6.  People not judging one another in this world, because judgmental people are LOSERS
7.  ... Ya... that's really all I got...

Wow. It's official guys. I'm an utter failure because I can't come up with more than 6 wishes...

Continuing on.  I only have 8 more days of school left in my Sophomore year.  This kind of makes me want to pee my pants with complete and utter joy!  Though, I am going to miss the seniors, because they are the best people ever... Not that I don't love people who aren't seniors, it's just... the seniors are my besties.  Stupid people that are graduating. 

Um... Yes. This is... a good blog post... I honestly don't know what else to say, so methinks I am going to wrap things up now...

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