Saturday 3 August 2013

Double Double

Once upon a time. There were two of the most wonderful women this world has ever known. And they happened to be my best friends, and I love them with all my heart.

This is Suzie and Mattie. They have changed my life in so many ways, and I am so grateful that God sent them into my life. 
At the beginning of senior year, Suzie and I were close friends, and Mattie and I... weren't really. In all honesty, she intimidated me like nobodies business. She was the upcoming ginger star, and she seemed like she had everything together, and she actually knew what she was doing, and she was just so chill and okay with everything in her life. And that right there shows you she is a brilliant actress because I know now that that isn't really true.
At the beginning of the year, we have the Shakespeare festival competition. This is a thing where high school students all come and preform, well, Shakespeare. We watched in class a snippet of Macbeth (the one with the BRILLIANT Sir Patrick Stewart) and it was soo crazy and intense. After, in my head I realized I really wanted to do THAT. Not just the witches scene, but I wanted to do the witches scene on so many levels of crack that they would have to drug test us afterwards. But then I thought that since it was ultra-mormon-chill land nobody else would probably want to do that scene. So I started looking for another scene. Except then I overheard Suzie and Mattie talking and saying they wanted to do that scene. So I ninja attacked them/flipped out, and thus, we sold ourselves to Shakespeare. And it was the most beautiful month of my life. It was the beginning of an era, and it changed my life forever.
We practiced. And practiced and practiced and practiced. I can honestly say I don't think I have ever been so dedicated to something in my entire life. Every waking moment became about this scene, as well as most of my dreams (which was sort of crack and we won't go into that). Every lunch we rehearsed. I am sure J got sick of us being in his room practicing all the time. But frankly, I don't care. Through endless rehearsals, we felt so comfortable with each other. Suzie and I became closer than ever, and Mattie planted her little seed of joy and love into my heart.
Another thing I loved about this whole thing is that it felt like we each had a voice in what we were doing. We all talked everything through, and every major choice we made we discussed. It never felt like we were directing each other, because most of the time we were all on the same wave length. We helped each other, and not just with this scene. We started doing everything together, from making butt-cookies together to just sitting and talking about life.
For our scene we needed bodies. And thankfully, we had Taft. He is the dearest of humans, and I am so grateful to him for letting us wrap him in packing tape. Not many guys would be okay with that. We practiced on him, we taped him, we mocked him, and we loved him. He is really one of the best people.
Then came the time of competition. This is actually the birthplace of me using the phrase "Kick it in the balls!" Despite popular belief that it's origins were during Alice rehearsals, this is where I said it originally. Before every round we prayed that we would do our best, and then I looked Mattie and Suzie in the eyes and tell them that we would kick it in the balls. And we did.
We ended up winning first place, which was amazing. This was the first time I actually felt GOOD about my work, ya know? Suzie and I both won scholarships to SUU, which is the whole reason that I am now going to school here. But that really isn't the real way they changed my life. They have made me a better person. Suzie can always make me laugh no matter how sad I am. Mattie know how to make me feel good about myself and how to be there for me no matter what.
Despite the fact that our scene was slightly Satanic, we put our hearts and our souls into, and we also put our hearts and souls into each other. These women are seriously my best friends to this day, and I don't know where I would be with out them. I don't know how I am going to be able to cope without having Mattie at school with me everyday, making strange duck noises and calling me "babe". I already miss her with all of my heart, and I can not wait until I see her next.
I am grateful for all we have been through together, my witchies. I love you with all of my heart, and I am so glad that you are a part of my life.

"Double double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble"
May the wind be always at your back, ladies.

Love always,

Wednesday 31 July 2013



It has been a while, Blog. So. How is it hanging? Good? Good.
So a lot of things have happened lately. Firstly, GRADUATED. So that is some excellent news. I went to New York, which let us be honest, I could make a whole post about that. But I am not going to because then I would get all sorts of sad and wish I could go back. Even though I honestly which I could go back anyways.... Yeah. Also, MANdy left for his mission. He is serving in Washington. I am so proud of him!! He is going to be one of the best missionaries. I miss him a ton, but I feel fine about it.
Probably the most important thing that has happened is that I moved. And I am not going to lie, living on my own is one of the best things that has happened to me. Except for the fact that I miss everyone. See, I moved kind of farish away from home, so I don't get to see anyone. That is the one downside. Words can not express how lonely it gets sometimes. But such is life, and it goes on. Anyway. That was all really.

Love Always,

Saturday 8 December 2012


All this time,
The Sun never says
To the Earth
"You owe me."
What happens
With a love like that.
It lights the whole

Sunday 28 October 2012

Closing Time

So last night I helped close for the first time ever. In all honesty, it was one of the funnest things ever. I know that sounds strange, considering I was at work, but I wasn't even on the clock anymore, but it really was super fun.

I had come in at 12:30, and help my manager get ready for la rush and whatnot. I am not a giant fan of going in early like that; I hate the day shift, honestly.  Pretty much I end up getting stuck making pizzas all by myself. It sucks because there are BYU games on Saturdays and therefore it is busy and I sort of am not the fastest when it comes making pizza. I mean, I am not slow.... just not frikin speedy. Anyway, so that wasn't super fun. Also, we had a giant GIANT timed order for 7:30, so I started trying to make it before the rush and what not. I ended up only being able to make 10 of like, 35, 40 pizzas before we started getting busy. So they got to sit in the walk-in during the rush until the order dropped. So I helped make it, and then my boss wanted me to help her pull pizzas out of the oven. This is all well and good, and it is usually what happens on Fridays and Saturdays.  It was fine, except for the fact that she went to start bagging it, and left me to fend for myself on the ovens. I am used to pulling ovens myself, but I usually do it on weekdays when we aren't busy. I actually held my own very well. It was just frustrating. In the end, I had a nine and a half hour shift. Which is a new record for me.

But then I decided that I didn't want to go home, I wanted to stay and hand out. This isn't unusual for me. No, I am not a total loser. It is just that some of my best friends are there, and also, it is fun. So I just sort of hung out, talkin' to Mr. Tall and Smitty when a big order happened. I decided to just sort of help out, cuz I was feeling all useless. So I was helping them make pizzas and Mr. Tall said something snarky that I can't remember, and then I responded with something sanrky, and then this continued, and then I ended up splashing him with sauce. The spoodle actually had more sauce in it then I thought, and so it might have gotten all over him, and on the wall behind him. It was pretty funny, except then Mr. Tall was pissed at me. Remember how he threw dough at my face, and then I didn't talk to him? That is what happened, except it was him not talking to me. It was funny because I could tell that he was trying not to smile because I was ranting at him to not hate me. He ended up talking to me again, so that was nice. I followed him around as he was cleaning stuff up and doing inventory and what not, and it was actually super fun. He can count like a boss. Anyways, I kept on asking him how I could be helpful, and he kept on telling me that I couldn't because he has a method that he didn't want me to interrupt. So I felt pretty useless. And then I started following Smitty around because Mr. Tall started doing dishes, and I don't like dishes. Smitty was more okay with me helping him, even though he too had a routine that he didn't want to be screwed up.  I helped him scrape dried sauce off of stuff while he told me about his whole life. It was rather grand and entertaining. I know it sounds stupid, but it was super fun.

And thus my story of closing ends. Wasn't it grand?

Love always,

Friday 19 October 2012

The tale of Mr. Tall (and other stories)

So. As you may have noticed, it has been a while since I have posted. So that is awkward. But here is a post. LOVE IT. 

Things that have happened since my last post, so that we can all be on the same page of my life.
~I had the chance to compete in the Shakespeare festival, so that was cool. What was cooler was that I WON FIRST PLACE. That was grand.
~Also, my boss' bosses want to make me an AM. I can't until I am eighteen, but I am still excited.
~I work all the freaking time, so now I never get to just hang out. EVER. That is okay though, cuz now I am good chummies with Mr. Tall.

Speaking of Mr. Tall, now is the time for his tale. He is a grand, grand man. Most people that I work with think he is kind of quiet, but that is only because he doesn't really like them. That is one reason why we are chums. We both don't like people. Another thing is he listens to me rant and ramble. Half of the time I don't think he is actually listening to me. But then SURPRISE. He totally is. It is nice because I don't have anyone else to rant to. It is very stress reducing.  Anyway. So the other day at work, we were being a little bit meaner to each other than usual. I said something (I can't even remember what now) and then I went to grab something out of the walk in fridge we have. I came out, only to be greeted by pizza dough to the throat. In all honesty, it felt like someone had punched me in the throat. I might have raged a little bit, and didn't talk to him for the rest of the night. And now things seem different between us. He sort of acts like he might hate me, and I don't know why. When I ask him why, he says it is all fine, but it really doesn't seem like it is. It is probably all in me head. I hope so, at least, because he really is one of my best friends and I would probably cry if I lost that.

And moving on. In other news, we have started rehearsal for ALICE IN WONDERLAND. I am only a card in it, but I am having so much fun with it. I love the fact that we are doing a child show for my senior year. It is a nice way for me to end, I think. The good old MANdy is the Cheshire Cat, which is super grand. However, whenever he says "Alice", he does a voice like he wants to rape her. It is awkward for everyone. But it is funny.

That is really all that has been happening as of late. Nothing super exciting.

Love always,

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Triky, Triky

Alright. Update time.

For those of you who don't know, Trik got his LDS mission call.  He has been called to serve in the Provo Utah Mission.  Let's be real, it is kind of funny.  Before he got his actual call, we had talked about where we thought he was going to end up going.  He really wanted to go somewhere out of the country, and then he had jokingly said something along the lines of: “Knowing my luck, I'm going to go to like... St. George... or Idaho... or somewhere else close...”  Yup. Can't get much closer than Provo.  He is only serving there for three months, after which point they are most likely going to send him somewhere else.  We don't know where the somewhere else is going to be yet, but hopefully it is somewhere cool.

Anyway, in the past week, we have all been spending a LOT of time together, due to the fact that he is leaving.  On last Wednesday, we went laser tagging.  I really like laser tagging, but I am probably one of the worst players ever.  On the opposite side of the spectrum is Trik, who was REALLY GOOD.  It was super fun and intense, and on the bright side, I didn't get last place either of the rounds we played.  We played 2 half-hour rounds, though they both didn't feel like they were half-hour.  After our rounds, we went to Dairy Queen and got ice cream.  It was most yummy.  Then, we went and watched some Doctor Who before I had to go home.  My mom had let me stay out till 11:00 that night, so waking up the next morning for school was a massive PAIN IN MY RUMP. 

On Friday, we had his official “Going Away Party”.  I had to work, which made me sad, because I ended up being late.  At said party, I gave Trik his going-away present that I made for him.  It was a blanket that had “Rejoice Evermore, Pray without Ceasing, In everything give thanks”  sewn into it.  It was a very fuzzy blanket.  Anyway, so I gave it to him, and for like half the night he was wearing it around kind of like a cape. It made me so happy.  We had a brawl tournament, and we just sort of hung out.  It was super fun.  We ended up playing night games later.  I suck miserably at those.  I am better at the whole “laying low and hiding” thing, but when it comes “running like there is no tomorrow” I am sort of a FAIL.  We also played MUNCHKIN, which I have mentioned before, though never explained.  It is a card game which is sort of like Killer Bunnies, but different. 

Saturday morning Hair 'n' Trik 'n' I got together to watch the Christmas special of DOCTOR WHO.  Yeah, I know, it's a little bit LATE, but whatever.  So we went to Trik's sister's house and watched it with his family.  Afterwards, we went to UVU campus to buy some things for Trik's mission.  Then we went back to his house, and found Prime and Bobo waiting for us to go to the FESTIVAL OF COLORS.  I was SOOOOO EXCITED to go this fabulous thing.  However, by the time we got back and we had gotten everything together, it was about 1:45 in the afternoon.  Unfortunately, I had to work on Saturday, so if I had gone to the Festival, I would have had to drive out, spend MAYBE 10 minutes throwing chalk in peoples faces, and then drive back.  I do not have the money to spend on that kind of wasteful gas, so... I didn't go.  I was pretty upset about it, but that is OK.  So I went to work while all of my manfriends went to the Festival.  Work... Happened.... but we are NOT going to go into that.  After work, I went back up and we hung out.  We ended up watching The Incredibles. I like that film.

Sunday was Bobo's farewell talk in church, so I saw Trik on Sunday too.  At the luncheon after church, we all just sort of sat and discussed life.  Trik was pretty depressed due to the fact the preemptive  homesickness had set in.  It stressed me out to see him so sad. 

On Monday (AKA yesterday),  it was a minimal day.  Minimal day is this stupid thing that my school district does instead of giving us days off.  They are stupid because it means we are at school until 12:25 and each period isn't even an hour long.  Anywho, so afterwards we went and we hung out at Trik's house.  We went and filmed some, and then we went back to his house.  Hair chilled up stairs with Trik's older brother, while I went down into the mancave to help him pack.  It was lots of fun, and we had lots of good bonding time.  This whole time in the back of my head there was a little voice telling me how this was the last time I would see him before he leaves on his mission.  I did a pretty good job to ignore this voice, though it still made me kind of sad.  While we were packing, he got distracted by one of his sketchbooks.  We ended up going through it and having deep discussions about the pictures and things.  It was thoroughly enjoyable.  After that, though, it was time for me and Hair to go home, so Trik could focus on packing, and so I could go home and clean the bathroom. 

Let's be real. I LOST IT.  I honestly can not remember the last time I have cried that hard.  It was kind of embarrassing, and Hair felt SUPER uncomfortable, but frankly, I didn't care.  I just sat there and hugged Trik, and then when I pulled away, I noticed how much I was really crying.  I got his shirt wet with my tears.  He was very chill about it though, and he did a pretty good job of comforting me. 

I am going to miss him SO much.

I cried the whole way home, and I swear Hair wanted to punch me in the face because of it.  When he got out of the car, though, it got even worse.  Honestly, I hadn't thought I was capably of crying harder.  SURPRISE. I can cry pretty dang hard.  When I got home, my mom saw how torn up I was and gave me steak.  It helped, but still. 

Sorry that was kind of angsty and also super long.  But that is what has been happening as of late.

Love always,


Thursday 23 February 2012

Treasure Island... AKA the woeful tail of Long John

For those of you who weren't aware, Long John is my car.
He is a 1997 Mazda 626, not that you actually care.
He is kind of my life, due to the fact that without him, I would have to share my mom's van with her to go about doing my business. Which, let us be honest here, would SUCK BOTTOM!

He is named Long John after the one-legged pirate Long John Silver from the book Treasure Island.  Silver had a fake wooden leg to make up for his missing appendage, but he still:

Could not go very fast.
Could not do hills very well.
Could not travel for long periods of time.

My dear car Long John has all of those qualities, hence the name.

Anyway, about a week ago, he was acting sicker than usual.  When he would stop, he sort of had a LOT of trouble getting going again.  The check engine light came on, so we took him in to be fixed.

3 days and $850 later... he runs so much better.  I don't even have to speed that much to make it up hills now.  Made me rather happy.  Until on monday the check engine light came on again.  -_- Yippee.

So the past few days I have been both stressing and avoiding taking him in.

This is a good thing because the check engine light went off this afternoon.  Just thought you all should know.  For... some reason.

Love Always,