Monday 8 August 2011

In the days of Nothing...

So... I realized (or more, my sister pointed it out) that I haven't posted anything on here for a while. Thus, I'm currently posting. Yes.

It is currently summer, though school starts in like, 2 weeks.  So, an overview of my life...

At the beginning of June, I got to go to the Lake of the Bear with my dear friend Futh.  Basically, we just sort of chilled in a cabin for three days.  It was... fun... Ya. It was with Futh's family, and I liked them and all, but three days of it, and I was very much ready to go home.  

Also this summer, I got to go to EFY.  For those of you who don't know, this stands for Especially for Youth.  This was basically AWESOME!  It was very spiritual, and I made lots of new friends.  

Seriously, that is all I really have to say right now. Nothing really exciting has happened. Sorry I'm boring kids.

That's all.

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