Friday 3 February 2012

Some days....

Some days life is good. This is one of those days, I think.

So, today was actually just MEH, really, until about third period. We got the white boards again in latin today, so here is a NEW BEAUTIFUL PICTURE:

yup.  It happened.

Also, during lunch I wanted a candy bar so me and MANdy went to the vending machine.  Sticking out of said vending machine were two dollars, and a note that said:

"Random Act of Kindness.  Have a candy bar. HAPPY FRIDAY!"

It made me SUPER HAPPY!  Honestly, it sort of confused me at first.    I was just like, "Oh... look. Money..."   And MANdy was all "BUY ME SOME CANDY!" So I said "OK."

Moving on.  In last period today, me and my teacher had a good discussion about men. I like her a lot.

THE END. I am done for now.

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