Friday, 27 January 2012

The GM and the rotten, smelly, stupid but actually kind of OK day

Once upon a time, there was this Ginger Midget. She woke up one friday morning, and she thought to herself: "Today is going to be a good day."  So as she left her room that morning to go about her typical morning business, she had a smile on her face and a song in her heart. 

When the time came for her to leave to go to school, she was unhappy because of this, because she doesn't really like school.  But she left anyway.  She got into her beautiful black Mazda and closed the door.  Though, the door didn't actually close. It just sort of bounced back open.  'Awkward...' she thought, and she tried to close it again, but the same thing happened.  'Well... pooh.' She thought as she got out of her car and went back into the house.  She went and informed her mother of the trouble, and her mother responded: "Well, you can drive my van!"  Dread filled the Ginger Midget. She HATED that van with such fire and passion it wasn't even funny.  "It'll be fine!" She responded.  "I will just... hold the door shut the whole way to school..."  Her mom shrugged and said "OK."  So the GM went back out and got back into her car, and drove to school.  The entire trip, she had one hand on the steering wheel and the other one pulling with all its might to keep the door closed.  When she finally got to school and got out, the door shut just fine.  She tested it a few times, but it seemed to be working spiffily.  Awkward....

So the GM then went to school.  In first period, she had to make up a test that she had totally forgotten to study for.  She did fairly OK on it, but it really stressed her out in the moments leading up to it.  Second period was her drama class.  No one was really in that class because they had all gone on a field trip that was kind of expensive and other things that we won't go into right now.  As the GM went to her third period class, her teacher informed her that she was failing.  'Great,' she thought.  'That is JUST what I need right now.'    So that happened.  Next, the GM went to lunch.

Lunch is that magical thing where you can leave the school and go get food things with the people you consider to be friends.  On this day, SoOzIn and the Ginger Midget decided that they wanted to go get food together, so they went to WENDY'S. As they were in the drive through, they decided that since neither of them had ever tried one, they would get a BACONATOR.  They pulled out of the drive through, and started heading back to the school.  "This tastes like farm murder... which tastes like diabetes..." SoOzIn said, taking a few bites of the sandwich.  "Oh nuts, it peed meat juice on me pants. Here, have some!"  She then handed the beast to the GM, who took a few bites as she drove. "I think I am having a heart attack," said the GM.  They both thought that eating a BACONATOR and saying it gave you a heart attack within two bites was the funniest thing ever.

Fourth period, nothing really exciting happened for the GM, except that is was long and dull.  She then came home, and sat on the couch playing Legend of Zelda.  Her mother finished teaching for the day and came upstairs, and then began to have a MASSIVE fight with the GM's father.  It kind of made GM want to curl up and die.  She was super relieved when she had to go to work (45 minutes later her parents were still going at it).

Work for her was CRAZY BUSY.  There was lots of people wanting pizza.  And she understood this. Even SHE wanted pizza.  It was rather RATHER stressful, and due to all the gathering stress from the rest of the day, it really made the GM want to drive off of a cliff.  Afterwards, she went home and called Hair.  She then went to go play with him, Trik, and Prime.  They partied up and did fun things like MUNCHKIN.

Then she went home and wrote all about her angsty day on her blog.

The end.

Thursday, 26 January 2012



Can I just, that I am in FREAKING LOVE with this woman.  Seriously.  This woman is probably the most brilliant person ever to have roamed this planet EVER. 

So last Monday,  I went to go see her in her musical review that her school put on.  I had been SUPER SUPER sick that day, but due to the fact that she is my best friend of course I went.  Afterwards, me and her found each other and we had a... bonding moment.  Due to the fact I hadn't actually seen her in AGES, we had a moment to catch up with each other.  I realized just how much I really truly NEED this woman in my life.

She is just so happy. ALL THE TIME.  No matter what seems to happen, though she might have a second of doubt, she then greats the trouble with a smile.  She makes those around her feel 

In seminary today,  we made a list of our heroes.  I put Batman on the top of my list.  Then my teacher called on me to share with the class one of my heroes. OF COURSE he decides to spontaneously call on me.  Anyway, so I walked to the front of the class room and just started sharing WHY she is my hero!  

She is one of my TRUE, REAL friends that I could tell absolutely anything. And pretty much, I have.  She knows basically everything about me, and me about her.  When ever I go through a hard time, I know I can turn to her and she will help me whether by giving me advice or a scripture I can read.

Anyway, as I was sharing things like this to my seminary class, I might have started
As in, legitimate tears running down my face.  It was a little bit embarrassing, but honestly, I don't actually mind. 


And... Moving on.  Today in LATIN, we had to draw a picture summing up part of the history. This is my picture:

I thought that it was pretty beautiful.  It's about these 7 seven kings, and one of their sons raped someone, so.... he was banished. The end.

My Favorite Batman in Guys and Dolls (Second from the Left)

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Currently, I am sitting in forth period.  I TA now, and so it is very chill.  I TA for my math teacher, who is teaching Algebra 1.  Also. FUTH is in this class. Party.... She is sleeping on her desk and has been for most of the period.  She kind of twitches a little bit... :D very entertaining.

Moving on.  It is now second semester, which is... exciting or something.  This is the only period that actually changed; I'm now in this as opposed to musical theater.  But everything else is the same.

In other news, while I was at work yesterday, the SECOND IN COMMAND of all Domino's EVER came to our store.  He was super nice, and he was foreign.  I can't remember what his name was, which is probably not one of the best things to forget.  It was pretty intimidating.  Also, there was this really sweet old man that came in yesterday. He was super nice and sweet, and he smelled like mint.  Me and him had a good conversation about missions/missionaries, and other church related things.  His subject of choice, so I just rolled with it. 

Also.  Cyrano de Bergerac had its drama club preview last night.  I had to pretty much fly from work to the school so I wouldn't be late, but I made it.  For those of you who don't know, Cyrano is the play that AF is doing right now.  It's about this guy (Cyrano) and he really likes his cousin, Roxanne. This isn't strange because they are french, and that sort of thing seems normal to french people.  Anyway,  Roxanne really likes this dude Christian, and this dude Christian really likes Roxanne.  Unfortunately, Christian is a little bit of a moron, whereas Cyrano is bloody brilliant.  Anyway, long story short. (Oh wait. It's to late for that... Awkward...)  Christian and Roxanne get married because Cyrano was pretending to be Christian in his love letters and then CHRISTIAN DIES (At which point, I got pretty misty eyed, and might have actually shed a tear.) Then Roxanne joins the NUNS, and 15 years later, Cyrano dies but not before Roxanne figures out that it was him who wrote the letters.  Yeah. I only weeped a LOT at that point.


Monday, 9 January 2012


According to
1.  a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person
2.  a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

 "Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own"
~Robert Heinlein

"Love is a fabric which never fades, no matter how often it is washed in the water of adversity and grief." 

"Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence."

~H.L. Mencken

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."-Dr. Seuss

Yeah. I think I might be in it.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

My COOL friends.... or something to that effect...

So, basically, I am at the school at this very moment in space and time. It happens to the best of some times.... you know, being at school. Anywho, it was the first day back from break, which made me want to WEEP.  Everybody was completely DEAD today, so the teachers were all pretty chill. It was an A-day today, so the more boring of the two days.

So, back to the point. Me 'n' Hair 'n' Trik are just sort of chilling in the KAVE TV room. Hair is really bored, and keeps on ranting to me about subway and something. I just tuned him out.  Trik is editing something for someone else in the class. And I am just... hanging out. PARTY IT UP.  So then I said... "HEY. HAIR. I am going to take a picture of YOU. HOLD STILL!" And Hair was all "NO! NO WAY SKINNY!" And he jumped out of the shot as the webcam snapped the picture. Oh snap. "HOLD STILL YOU FATTY!!!"  Then that triky Trik said "I'll hold him!"  So he grabs him and pins Hair against my head, and then the picture happened. Happy Day.

The End. That is all.